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Martin is an enthusiastic science communicator, lecturer, author and professional astronomer utilizing astronomy, history, culture and science fiction as tools to encourage greater public understanding of science.


He started his academic career as a lecturer in Astronomy for DACE at Swansea University in 1991 before becoming Senior Lecturer in Astronomy at the University of South Wales between 1999 and 2015. Martin is now a retired though he still takes an interest in Dark Sky Wales. He is Director of the Brecon Beacons Observatory and a Dark Sky Ambassador for the Brecon Beacons National Park. Martin is also a steering committee member of the Brecon Beacons International Dark Sky Reserve. He was selected by Cunard in 2019 to be an enrichment programme lecturer for their cruise ship fleet and in 2022 became a renaissance astronomy tour guide in Prague for New Scientist magazine .


He was a founder member of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute Science Communication Group and is now a member of the NASA Astrobiology Science Communication Guild. Martin managed a multi-million pound ESF programme in Astrobiology for adult learners across Wales and  he was also coordinator for ROSCOSMOS Russian Cosmonaut visits to the UK. In addition, he has been an adviser to several museum projects on the interface between science and science fiction, including exhibitions on the science of Star Trek and the Science of Aliens.


Martin has written and presented planetarium programmes for key stages 2 and 3 and presented planetarium shows for Dark Sky Wales. 


He was consultant to the University of Glamorgan computer graphics team on their development of the Alien Worlds multimedia tools, now available free at the iTunesU store which won the Alternative Learning Technologies second prize in 2008. He is also a regular contributor to the online science journal LabLit: the culture of science in fiction and fact.


Martin is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society; a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy; a member of the Astrobiology Society of Britain; a member of the British Astronomical Association; a member of the British Science Association; the Webb Deep-Sky Society; the Society for Popular Astronomy; The Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the Astronomical League. He is also a local representative for the BAA Commission for Dark Skies.


He was a consultant and broadcaster for BBC Wales radio and has appeared on science programmes for the BBC, Einstein TV, Granada TV and the Discovery Channel. He is also a member of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, dedicated to promoting the science, arts and literature of Wales. Martin is also a member of the Welsh Academy, the National Society of writers in Wales


Beside his interest in astronomy Martin also enjoys history, literature, art, photography, walking, traveling, paddle boarding, reading and good red wine.


You can find out more about my work by visiting my ResearchGate page at:


I can also be contacted via LinkedIn at:



Astrobiology Society of Britain Public Engagement Award 2008

Public Outreach Award of the Astronomical League 2010

MENSA Art and Science Participation Medal 2017

Dark Sky Award of the Astronomical League 2020


Observing Awards

Master Observer Award of the Astronomical League 2011

Imaging Award of the Astronomical League 2010

Planetary Nebula Award of the Astronomical League 2010

The Herschel 400 Observing Award 2010



Historical research

Martin continues to promote cross-disciplinary links between science and culture that reflect his educational background and interests. He has written monographs on the science communication of the proto-feminist Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle; and the 18th century scientist, assay master and political adviser Joseph Harris of Breconshire.




Martin has written several peer reviewed papers on Astrobiology and Astronomical themes and has a great interest in all aspects of astronomical observations. He is a contributor to many journals and magazines and has written six books on aspects of observing the night sky



Science and Science Fiction

Martin is also interested in the interface between Science, Science Fiction and Society and has written or colloborated on many academic papers

Commission for Dark Skies

Martin’s work with the Commission for Dark Skies resulted in assisting the Brecon Beacons National Park in surveying the night sky for their successful bid for the International Dark Sky Association’s Dark Sky Reserve Status – the first such reserve in Wales.


He is an International Dark Sky Reserve Steering Committee member for both Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia National Parks


He has continued to work with the national park in order to promote public astronomy and in 2014 he became the Director of the Brecon Beacons Observatory, a public educational resource at the National Park Visitor Centre.


Working with Dark Sky Wales, he promotes Wales as a dark sky nation and is involved in surveying the night sky and consultancy for the Gower AONB, Lleyn AONB and Clwydian AONB.




Membership of Professional Bodies


Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Officer, Commission for Dark Skies

1990 - 1991

Queen Mary College

City and Guilds: Black and White Photography


1999 - 2001

University of Glamorgan

BSc Astronomy & Science Fiction

(First class honours)


2008 - 2009

University of Glamorgan

MSc Science Communication



2009 - 2012

University of East London

BA English Literature

(First Class Honours)


2013 - 2014

Open University

Course S382 Stellar Evolution

Course Q46 Mathematics


Open University

Course S383 The Relativistic Universe


Open University

OpenLearn Certificate: Oceanography.


Open University

OpenLearn Certificate: Active Galaxies

OpenLearn Certificate: The Big Bang

OpenLearn Certificate: Comparing Stars


OpenLearn Certificate: Icy Bodies, Europa and Elsewhere

OpenLearn Certificate: Introduction to Homer's Iliad

Course A229 Introducing the Classical World

OpenLearn Certificate: Welsh History and its Sources


OpenLearn Certificate: Astronomy with an Online Telescope

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